BattleForge Wiki
ID AbilityLine
5 UnKillable
54 RegenerationOld
60 LifeStealer
80 TimedSpell
100 SpellBlocker
103 SuicidalBomb
110 GrantToken
112 TurretCannon
113 NEWAbilityLine
114 AbilityOnSelfResolve
118 SuppressUserCommand
120 LineCast
132 NoCheer
133 UnitShredderJobCondition
134 DamageRadialArea
137 DamageConeArea
138 DamageConeCutArea
139 ConstructionRepairModifier
140 Portal
141 Tunnel
142 ModeConditionDelay
144 HealAreaRadial
145 HealAreaCone
146 HealAreaConeCut
151 OverrideWeaponType
153 DamageRadialAreaUsingCorpse
154 HealAreaRadialInstantContinues
155 ChargeableBombController
156 ChargeAttack
157 ChargeableBomb
159 ModifyRotationSpeed
160 ModifyAcceleration
161 FormationOverwrite
162 EffectHolder
163 NEWAbilityLine
170 HealReservoirUsingCorpse
171 NEWAbilityLine
172 BarrierModuleEnterBlock
173 ProduceAmmoUsingCorpseInjurity
174 incomingdamagespreadontargetalignmentarea
175 DamageSelfOnMeleeHit
176 HealthCapCurrent
179 ConstructionUnCrushable
180 ProduceAmmoOverTime
181 BarrierSetBuildDelay
183 ChannelTimedSpell
184 AuraOnEnter
185 Freeze
186 IgnoreSummoningSickness
187 BlockRepair
188 Corruption
189 UnHealable
190 Immobile
191 ModifyHealing
192 IgnoreInCardCondition
193 MovementMode
195 ConsumeAmmoHealSelf
196 ConsumeAmmoHealAreaRadial
197 CorpseGather
198 AbilityNearEntity
200 ModifyIceShieldDecayRate
201 ModifyDamageIncomingAuraContingentSelfDamage
202 ModifyDamageIncomingAuraContingentSelfDamageTargetAbility
203 ConvertCorpseToPower
204 EraseOverTime
205 NEWAbilityLine
206 DisableMeleeAttack
207 AbilityOnPlayer
208 GlobalAbilityOnEntity
209 AuraModifyCardCost
210 AuraModifyBuildTime
211 GlobalRotTimeModifier
213 MindControl
214 SpellOnEntityNearby
216 AmmoConsumeModifyIncomingDamage
217 AmmoConsumeModifyOutgoingDamage
219 GlobalSuppressRefund
220 DirectRefundOnDie
221 OutgoingDamageDependendSpell
222 DeathCounter
223 DeathCounterController
224 DamageRadialAreaUsingGraveyard
225 MovingIntervalCast
226 BarrierGateDelay
227 EffectHolderAmmo
228 FightDependentAbility
229 GlobalIgnoreCardPlayConditions
230 WormMovement
231 DamageRectAreaAligned
232 GlobalRefundOnEntityDie
233 GlobalDamageAbsorption
234 GlobalPowerRecovermentModifier
235 GlobalDamageAbsorptionTargetAbility
236 OverwriteVisRange
237 DamageOverTimeCastDepending
238 ModifyDamageIncomingAuraContingentSelfRadialAreaDamage
239 SuperWeaponShadow
240 NoMeleeAgainstAir
242 SuperWeaponShadowDamage
243 NoCardPlay
244 NoClaim
246 DamageRadialAreaAmmo
247 PathLayerOverride
248 ChannelBlock
249 Polymorph
250 Delay
251 ModifyDamageIncomingOnFigure
252 Immobileroot
253 GlobalModifyCorpseGather
254 AbilityDependentAbility
255 CorpseManager
256 DisableToken
258 Piercing
259 ReceiveMeleeAttacks
260 BuildBlock
262 PreventCardPlayAuraBuilding
263 GraveyardDependentRecast
264 ClaimBlock
265 AmmoStartup


Battleforge has been revived by a group of passionate players and developers under the name Skylords Reborn

It is a fully functional, community-made, non-profit and completely free-to-play relaunch of the game. The relaunch has been worked on for several years, and receives regular updates.

The new Wiki can be found here: Skylords Reborn Wiki Page
